eSolutions at go Tech

eSolutions at GoTech World 2022: Argo CD and Crossplane for Bootstrapping Kubernetes Clusters

Featuring 11 stages, and close to 15000 business visitors, GoTech World is the largest IT & Digital conference in Central & East Europe, and we were glad to be part of it again this year. Finally back in-person, this meant we had a lot of networking opportunities, big data and cloud discussions, a technical talk on the DevOps stage, and even a short interview about what we do at eSolutions.

When life gives you lemons…

During the two days, eSolutions was present with a unique stand that featured lemonade in the two eSol colors, grabbing everyone’s attention: colorful, fresh, and tasty. Marketing it eSol-style down to the last straw, that’s how we do IT!

We were glad to see big data was a popular topic of discussion, as many were curious about our projects in data analysis: how to find useful insights and generate value from their data. This shows that Romanian SMBs and enterprises alike are looking to advance their tech stack to enable innovation, and utilize data in a smarter way to drive measurable business results.

Another popular topic was the Internet of Things (IoT), as it’s still a new industry that’s gaining momentum globally. Its business value is diverse, depending on the end goal. If a physical object can be connected to the internet and communicate information, then it can be transformed into an IoT device. From light bulbs to aquarium sensors, the possibilities are endless.

Cloud and microservices continue to lead the talks in tech, as DevOps is a new set of practices that not only combines software development with IT ops, but presents the main advantage of continuous delivery.

Andrei Popovici, Head of Business Development at eSolutions, was invited to give an interview on these topics and eSolutions goals in the coming year, which you can watch here:

… You showcase how to bootstrap Kubernetes clusters

On Friday, November 4, Codrut Panea, DevOps Engineer, greatly represented eSol on the DevOps stage with a talk on Argo CD and Crossplane for Bootstrapping Kubernetes Clusters. Codrut showcased how to install core components in a Kubernetes cluster using ArgoCD, while applying GitOps principles. We believe he was awesome, and so did his audience, as the talks continued well towards the end of the event!

You can watch his talk in full here:

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