
Dynamic Data Platform

Modular Platform for Data Analysis

Designed for Big Data and AI workloads, KubeLake allows you to handle, process, and analyze vast amounts of data, both in real-time and in batch.

Our dynamic data platform is Kubernetes native, allowing you to use the infrastructure of your choice to manage both data and apps, with multi-environment clusters, and separation of responsabilities.

Scalable and flexible, with KubeLake you can build your own data architecture, and easily add or remove various open source big data tools to cater for your specific use cases.


Modular, Flexible, Scalable

kubelake scalability Scalability. Easily scale horizontally to cope with increasing data volume and processing requests.

kubelake elasticity Elasticity. Automatically scale resources according to load requirements.

kubelake flexibility Flexibility: Run different types of applications and data analysis tasks easily.

kubelake resilience Resilience. Resistant to failures, the platform automatically detects and manages hardware or software issues.

kubelake security Security. Advanced security measures protects your data against unauthorized access and cyber attacks.

kubelake modularity Modularity. Build your data architecture with the data apps of your choice.

Main Components

Data Acquisition

Data Acquisition

This component is responsible for collecting and acquiring data from various sources, such as transactional systems, IoT devices, or web apps. Data collection and ingestion, data routing, error handling and recovery, diversified connectivity, handling large data streams in batch of real-time, all in a visual interface, are just some of the features that KubeLake offers.

Data Lake

Data Lake

Our Data Lake offers a centralized and scalable repository for all types of data, from structured to semi-structured and unfiltered data. It allows analysts and the business teams to access and explore data in a simple and efficient way, for better decision-making. With support for S3-compatible object storage, it provides the flexibility and interoperability needed in data storage and management.

Data Catalog

Data Catalog

The central source for the data within the platform, the catalog offers the possibility to find and quickly access the information you need. This allows you to have a panoramic view of your data resources and to avoid fragmentation and duplication of information within the company. Easily catalog and organize the metadata associated with each dataset.

Data Storage

Data Storage

Our data storage system is designed to provide fast and reliable access to data for different types of users, from analysts to managers. From real-time transaction management (OLTP), to facilitating multidimensional analysis (OLAP) and efficient storage of historical data (Warehouse), the database component is essential for critical operations at scale and complex data analysis.

Data Processing

Data Processing

This component ensures that the data is transformed and prepared for analysis and reporting in a fast and efficient way. Covering both batch and real-time processing, as well as allowing to build data processing flows and managing computing power management, this stage is crucial to ensure the quality and integrity of the data used in your company's decision-making process.

Data Exploration

Data Exploration

Through a simple and intuitive interface to explore and analyze data, your team of analysts and managers can quickly create and share custom visualizations and reports to extract valuable insights. Through interactive exploration and analysis, data cataloging, advanced search, dependency visualizations, and lineage, your teams can have an overview and understand data better.

 Data Visualization

Data Visualization

Data visualization is a crucial component of the process of analyzing and interpreting information. The various types of visualizations (personalized dashboards, interactive visualizations) facilitate the understanding and identification of key trends and patterns in the data, providing valuable insights for informed decision making.

Data Exposed

Data Exposed

The data exposed component facilitates data access and query and offers a secure and scalable interface through which users can access and explore the data stored in the platform, through distributed or complex queries, as well as real-time and batch data query, and support for pull and push data exposure model.

Data ML

Data ML

The Machine Learning component allows us to build and train predictive models to better understand customer behavior, to identify market trends and to make better informed decisions in real time. Designed to be more than just a ML tool, you can explore and customize AI models in your endeavor to carry out research activities.

Monitoring & Observability

Monitoring & Observability

Through the observability component, we can effectively monitor and manage the health and performance of our entire data infrastructure, ensuring that it operates at maximum capacity to support business needs. Data traceability, as well as monitoring logs, cluster performance, and message queues, helps us ensure the operational reliability of the system.



Given the large volume and diversity of managed data, security is a necessity. The platform is designed to respect fundamental security principles, including confidentiality, integrity and data availability. A crucial aspect of security is ensuring that only authorized users have access to data, and that sensitive data is available to a limited group of users.

What Sets KubeLake Apart?

  • All-in-One: Freedom to add and use various open source big data technologies in the same platform.
  • Performance: KubeLake ensures high performance for any processing and data analysis use cases.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrate your data platform with your business processes to aid decision-making.
  • Reduced Costs: Using Kubernetes for orchestration and resource management helps reduce overall operational costs.


  • Reduced Complexity: The platform is divided into distinct and well-defined services, reducing the complexity of the system.
  • Independent Services: Services are developed and implemented as independent entities, that you can manage and update separately.
  • Interoperability: Services are interoperable so that they can communicate and interact with each other more efficiently.
  • Reuse and Modularity:  Reuse and extend to various contexts any functionality or component that manages data.

Curious to see KubeLake in action?

Message us your big data challenges and we will get back to you to set up a demo.