
Intelligent Solution for Audio and Video Transcription

Converts Audio and Video Content into Text

Transcriber is an advanced AI-driven platform tailored to the unique needs of media enterprises.

Transcriber uses artificial intelligence to extract text from any audio or video format, ensuring automatic transcription with high accuracy. It identifies speakers and precisely attributes their lines, facilitating the tracking of complex dialogues even among multiple people.

Whether it's for media data analysis, creating subtitles, or documenting meetings, Transcriber converts audio/video content into structured text that is easily accessible and editable.


See Transcriber in Action

What Sets Us Apart?


Audio and Video Transcript

Processes and converts audio and video files (mp3, mp4, etc.) into texts, guaranteeing high accuracy. The transcript can be edited, restructured, and easily navigated.


Speaker Identification

The system recognizes an unlimited number of speakers within a recording, labeling them as Speaker 1, Speaker 2, etc., in the transcription, and aligns their lines in the text. Subsequently, each speaker can be allocated a name.


Voice Frequency Processing

Audio fingerprint technology detects the unique characteristics of each speaker and precisely assigns the lines in the transcript.


Transcript Editing

Allows for the correction of words and editing of speech, expression, and grammatical errors, to ensure the accuracy of the written text.


Generating Title, Description & Chapters

Automatically creates summaries, structures content, and highlights key ideas to analyze voluminous audio/video content in a limited time.


Text Highlighting During Listening

Provides the ability to follow and read the text synchronized with the audio, improving the review experience or offering the possibility of double-checking where needed.


Search Function

The search function allows for the rapid finding of moments when a certain word or term is used in the video/audio.


Multilingual Subtitle Generation

Using artificial intelligence, our integrated feature transcribes and translates content into multiple languages, ensuring context remains intact. It also auto-generates subtitles, making your media universally accessible and engaging, breaking down language barriers easily.



The ability to export subtitles and transcripts for later use or to extract text without the speakers' labels for indexing and searching in video content archives.

Enhanced Connectivity

Transcriber’s capabilities can be enhanced through seamless integrations with third-party applications. Specific APIs can be developed, on demand, to access advanced search engine functions, ensuring that Transcriber works harmoniously within your existing digital ecosystem.

Elevate Your Content with Advanced AI Transcription

With the help of Transcriber, you can easily extract text from any audio or video format for multiple use cases, such as:

Media Data Analysis: Utilize Transcriber to convert broadcast content, interviews, and discussions into text for qualitative analysis. Media companies can speed up the documenting and production process, track the frequency of topics, and extract actionable insights from large volumes of media content.

Journalism and Press Conference Note-Taking: Journalists can rely on Transcriber for accurate transcription of interviews and press conferences, ensuring they capture every detail without the need for manual note-taking. This allows for faster reporting, easier fact-checking, and more comprehensive coverage.

Creating Subtitles for Videos, Webinars, and Podcasts: Enhance the reach and accessibility of your digital content by using Transcriber to generate subtitles in multiple languages, catering to a diverse audience.

Transcribing Conference Keynotes and Speeches: Capture the essence of presentations and speeches with Transcriber, making it simple to produce written records of conferences and events. These transcripts can serve as valuable reference material for attendees and those unable to attend.

Documenting Meetings or Seminars: Transcriber can be used to create clear, searchable text records of business meetings, workshops, and seminars, facilitating easy review and ensuring all action points and decisions are recorded.

Ghostwriting and Book Writing: Authors and ghostwriters can use Transcriber to convert spoken content, such as interviews or dictations, into text, providing a foundational manuscript that can be refined into a finished book.

Market Research: Market researchers can transcribe focus groups and customer interviews, extracting valuable insights and trends from consumer conversations.

These scenarios represent just a fraction of the potential applications for Transcriber. With its AI-driven capabilities, the possibilities are as limitless as the needs of media enterprises that could largely benefit from its capabilities.

Get Started with Transcriber Today

Save time and enhance your content's accessibility - start with Transcriber today!